Especially since COVID when people got a chance to slow down and reflect, I feel as though we live in an extremely fast-paced world, where there are an abundant number of distractions. It has become harder and harder to practice mindfulness, where each of us can take a moment to relax and reflect. I had a hard time being mindful when I was working in a fast-paced pharmacy couple years ago and now add a baby to the mix, and I realize I am going to have to continue to work harder and harder.
1. What is Mindfulness?
For me mindfulness is living in the present moment and getting in tune with one’s emotions, thoughts, and world around us without judging ourselves. When practicing mindfulness, it is important to reduce all distractions. Mindfulness isn’t just about meditation, and when consciously practicing mindfulness, it can be a lifestyle.
2. The Benefits of Mindful Living
It is obvious that living mindfully brings positivity to one’s life. Some benefits I have personally seen are:
- Emotional and Physical Health Improvements: Emotionally being present allows me to acknowledge my feelings and thoughts without getting overwhelmed and judgemental. Physically it has been shown that medication can reduce depressive symptoms and allow better sleep.
- Less Anxiety: Focusing on the moment has allowed me to reduce the chaotic thoughts in my mind and in turn reduce stress. Mindfulness reduces anxiety by forcing you to think about the “now” and let go of the past and future.
- Increased Focus: So many children and adults are getting diagnosed with ADHD. I think everyone should try mindfulness and see how it increases concentration. As we train our minds, you can increase the ability to focus on one task at a time.
- Deeper Personal Relationships: Remember how you felt when you went on the cruise or went to a vacation spot with bad reception and had to be off your phone? Being present has allowed me to listen better and shower great empathy which allies for a deeper relationship.
3. The Challenges of Mindful Living
I have had a really hard time living mindfully and am honestly a work in progress every day. I think the repetition helps because it’s not comfortable. With a newborn, there are many days that my mind has constant schedules and is racing. Here are some of the tips that have helped me.
- One step at a time: I think it is easy to give up if you try to change up your entire day and instead it would be easier to take small steps. I started with just five minutes of breathing. I then kept increasing the amount of minutes daily.
- Be kind to yourself: If it causes more stress, then you are not doing something right. Mindfulness is a process not perfection. Beating yourself up for wandering thoughts just defeats the purpose.
- Consistency is key: Try to make mindfulness a habit and incorporate it into your daily routine, whether it’s evening meditation, a walk after lunch, or conscious breathing at bedtime.
3. Easy Ways to Cultivate Mindful Living
Like I said before, to live mindfully, you do not need to dramatically change your life. Instead, just many a few intentional changes throughout your day. Here are some things that you can incorporate into your daily schedule easily.
Mindful Breathing
The easiest way to practice mindfulness is breathwork. All you have to do is take a few minutes to moments to just focus on your breath and focus on your inhales and exhales. I used to use a free app on my watch that would tell me when to inhale and exhale. When your mind wanders and it will, gently guide it back to the sensation of breathing.
Mindful Eating
This is my HARDEST. I have a habit of rushing through meals. I now take time to savor my food and eat slower. What I have noticed is that it has improved my enjoyment of food and has also improved my digestion and prevent overeating. I have a goal of losing a couple pounds so this has been super helpful.
Mindful Walking
This is my husband’s favorite way of incorporating mindfulness. Walking can be a moving meditation. Instead of listening to blaring music while walking. Try to be more mindful of your walk and think about your feet touching the group and take in the sights, sounds and smells of your surroundings.
I know! I had never heard of single-tasking either. We are always doing multiple things at one time and oftentimes not doing the best at any of them. It has been proven that focusing on one activity, whether it’s writing an email, washing bottles, or doing laundry, you can do a better job. Give your full attention and see how much more satisfying and efficient the experience becomes.
Digital Detox
Okay this is the BEST way in my opinion to have a more mindful day. Technology is in everything we do whether it be work or taking care of my child, and it often pulls us away from the present moment. Consider designating times throughout the day when you disconnect from your phone and other devices. For me I do this after work until bedtime and it has been super helpful for me to stay on track with my mindfulness journey.
Mindful Reflection
Mindful Reflection has been something we, as a family, have been incorporating into our day, especially postpartum. At the end of each day, we take a few moments to reflect. How did we feel throughout the day? What moments stood out to you? What could we do better the next day to stay on track with our goals?
By incorporating these mindful practices into my life, I have been able to connect with myself and others at a deeper level . I have been able to discover the beauty of living fully in the present. I believe mindful living is a beautiful gift. Let me know if any of you try these tips!